
Manifold, myriad and multifarious prose

Robo Divine
My anthology of short stories (2015)
Techno Tales from the Distal Axis of Tomorrow

The Perfect
My illustrated book (2012)
A truly remarkable robot learns to play golf

Exploring the Virtual Future of VR
April 22, 2019 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - April 22, 2019 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - Nov 23, 2018 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - Oct 25, 2018 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - June 21, 2018 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - April 23, 2018 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - Nov 21, 2017 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - Oct 4, 2017 - GoodLife Magazine

On the Big Screen
Upcoming Movies - July 6, 2017 - GoodLife Magazine


These old film columns are more thematic in nature

November December 2011: FILM MUSIC

September October 2011: ANIMATION

July August 2011: INDIE FILMS


March April 2011: IMAX1

January February 2011: DIGITAL CINEMA

Recent Articles                   

Thoroughbred Horse Racing & Joe Trdak
I love horses and I also love the western lifestyle - the boots,
the cotton check shirts with dome snaps instead of buttons,
belts & buckles, saddles and everything to do with the
tradition of the old west. So naturally, I shop at Trdak's
Western, Wilderness and Workwear Outfitter in Cooksville,
Ontario. The owner of the store (Joe) just happens to be a
thoroughbred breeder. Now there's a natural fit.

Richard Cooper - MiG Pilot
If I can't be around horses, my other passion is airplanes. When I got a chance to meet the former President of the Toronto CNE Air Show, who is also an honourary Snow Bird, I was amazed to find out he owned and flew a vintage 1954 Russian-built MiG 15 jet fighter. If you visit the Goodlife web site, be sure to check out the videos as well - to see the MiG getting rolled out onto the runway.

The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
So it's only natural for me to cover the CWH in Hamilton. Not
only do they have a fantastic collection of vintage aircraft,
but many of them are in perfect condition. Not only can you
get up close to look at them, but there is even the
possibility of flying in some of them - so long as you help
out with the very expensive cost of fuel.

The Booster                        

The Booster is a local little paper started by Mayor McCallion's late husband, Sam. I always liked the idea of being a small town newspaper editor, but that was not to be. In the meantime I did get a chance to have some fun and write some editorials in absolute and unequivocal freedom. These are some of my favourite little gems of prose. I would love to have a collection of 200 of these published in a little book...well...maybe some day.

Seasonally Induced Polyphagia
Calories and kindness at Christmas

Some Unpredictable Predicaments
Don't listen to anyone

Gold Bars Ideal For Dark Basements
What's with gold?

The New Tradition of Giving Movies
Owning your own copy of a favourite film

The Explosive Arrival Of A Monster
Browsing for information

Inhibiting Adenosine Receptors
What's so great about coffee?

The 3 Brewers
The mash tun and brew kettle at The 3 Brewers is right beside the door as you walk in. The brewpub and restaurant is one of 44 locations around the world - just part of the Mulliez family chain of food and retail stores. The Oakville location is my favourite place to visit. If you want to have a meeting, you can meet me there. Read my article in GoodLife Magazine April 2016 (click on the picture)..

Projections is the column I write for Goodlife Mississauga Magazine. I like to cover the technical side of filmmaking while letting readers know what new movies are coming up.

Lucky Melissa
ABOVE Chantal Sutherland is the jockey riding Lucky Melissa (number 10) as they approach the finish line. I think Melissa looks like she is smiling.

Richard Cooper
ABOVE Richard Cooper seen leaning on the wing of his 1954 MiG jet fighter. It is just one of the aircraft he flies regularly.

Harvard Trainer
ABOVE Here's a picture of a North American Harvard MK4 Advanced Trainer - photographed by my friend Steve Uhraney. The plane is on the flight path called "The Museum Flyby" so you can get a good photo as they pass by the CWH.